The ACT Raising Safe Kids Program is a national parent education program designed by the American Psychological Association as a childhood safety and primary violence prevention initiative. The mission of the Adults and Children Together Raising Safe Kids (ACT-RSK), a national evidence-based program, is to educate parents and caregivers of young children ages 0-10 about positive, effective parenting in order to strengthen families and create a safe and healthy environment that prevents child maltreatment. The program is led by a certfied ACT facilitator.
The ACT-RSK curriculum is based on three foundations:
- The early years of life are a critical time in development when children are learning basic skills that have long-term effects on their lives.
- Parents and caregivers can be the best providers of role modeling.
- Exposure to maltreatment early in life can have serious and long-lasting impacts on emotional, cognitive, behavioral and physical development.
Topics Covered in the Nine-Week Curriculum:
- Understanding Your Child’s Behaviors
- Understanding Exposure to Violence
- Understanding and Controlling Parents’ Anger
- Understanding and Helping Angry Children
- Children and Electronic Media
- Discipline and Parenting Styles
- Discipline for Positive Behaviors
- Keeping the ACT Raising Safe Kids
Program With You Parents and Caregivers Learn:
- To connect with other parents and engage in discussions about how to help their child(ren) process exposures to media violence and conflicts.
- What children are capable of understanding and doing at different ages.
- The roots and consequences of conflict in children’s lives.
- How child development is affected by conflict.
- Positive conflict resolution approaches for children.
- How to discipline versus punish children.
- Early conflict prevention skills including anger management, social-problem solving, media literacy, media literacy: the impact of TV video, and computer games on young children.
For more information, please send us a message or reach out to us through our given contact information.